目前分類:3月 (3)

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john corbett5 
Sex and the City, Carrie交往的男人中,
最重要的是 當他用鼻頭或額頭輕輕地磨蹭Carrie時,
上網google了一下,Aidan是由John Corbett飾演的,
退後的髮際 反而更散發出成熟男人的魅力…
高大深情的他被封為sexy hunk【性感飆漢】…
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↓↓↓彈吉他的John Corbett看起來也很迷人,

“Acting may be how I've made my living,
   but music has always been my passion.”
【演戲也許是我賴以維生的工作, 但 , 音樂一直是我今生的最愛!】

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That’s why I keep thinking,writing,and sharing my thought.
John Corbett(also John Joseph Corbett Jr.)
*出生地:Wheeling, West Virginia, USA
Was a licensed hairstylist.
Is a part owner of a club in Seattle called the Fenix Underground.
Resides in Seattle, Washington. [2002]
Plays guitar and piano.
Earned an Emmy nomination for playing quirky disc jockey Chris Stevens on "Northern Exposure" (1990) for five years.
Developed sexy hunk status as Sarah Jessica Parker's former fiance, Aidan, on TV's "Sex and the City" (1998) and as Nia Vardalos's avid suitor in the box-office film comedy smash My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002). Was the only lead in the movie to turn down the TV spinoff.
Did a slew of tv commercials in his early days, including a stint as spokesman for Ford Motor Company.
Came to California from the hills of West Virginia and worked as a steel laborer for six years until a back injury forced him to look elsewhere. He took to taking drama classes at a local Los Angeles college.
He is a vegetarian.
Due to his commitment to "Lucky" (2003), wasn't able to reprise his My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002) role (Ian Miller) in the movie's spin-off, "My Big Fat Greek Life" (2003).
Good friends with Daryl Hannah.
Lives with his girlfriend Bo Derek in Seattle.
Will be releasing his debut album, a blend of country and Southern rock, in April of 2006.
He met girlfriend Bo Derek on a blind date.
Best known on film and TV for playing hunky boyfriends, he recently reunited with Nia Vardalos, his My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002) romantic comedy co-star, in I Hate Valentine's Day (2009), another romantic comedy that she directed.
※Acting is a win-win situation. There is no risk involved. That's why I get tired of hearing actors who try to make out that there's a downside to it. Fame is an odd thing. It bugs you a little bit, but it's really not bad.
※In Hollywood if you're good looking, tall, have okay teeth and nice skin, the odds of being successful are great. If you're short and fat, it's a different story. But as long as you look like a leading man type, half your job is done already.
※Extra work [in film] is boring for the extras, and I started to feel like an extra with lines -- it wasn't that challenging to me. So I made a record and...the Nashville community really embraced me. But I gotta tell you, after a couple of years of being out on the road with three other guys in a van...you have a real appreciation of somebody coming to your trailer door and saying, "Mr. Corbett, can we get you a cappuccino?" What I found was, in the two years that I stopped doing it, I really missed it and liked the environment of a movie set and the relationships.
※My job [on the set] is to suck it in and try not to [mess] up my words.

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作者羊男小姐致力於不斷更新網誌內容 並逼自己每月至少一篇創作產生
事實證明 腦細胞會越用越多 不會因此全部死光光 呵!
經營4年10個月之後 目前點閱人數9007次 雖然尚未破萬人次
不過我也騷包的ASK我的藝術家朋友 提前幫我畫破萬賀圖
↑在聚光燈及冠軍腰帶加持之下 we did it! 我喜歡肌肉男!!

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一直以來 我的直覺都滿準的
而且每次我將這種巫婆魔力施展出來 總是獲得滿堂彩
“HOW COME?羅娜大師,妳是如何辦到的?”
我總是說不出甚麼所以然來 總不能說我靠第六感贏取勝利的
加上一點似是而非的學術論斷 才能說明我的成功關鍵

與其活在過去 不如創造未來

揮別了心事重重 諸事不爽的牛年
虎年開始 如果你還拿不住今年的運勢
它不像長髮  不整理就亂糟糟 惹人生厭
也不像短髮  給人濃厚的陽剛味 擋掉所有桃花
中長髮 讓你既有長髮的魅力 也保留短髮的俐落感
中長髮絕對是今年最流行的髮型 羅娜大師敢打包票
紀念這一刻 七年來 第一次剪短髮~~

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